The Paintru Journal

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The Paintru Process: Enjoy the Journey!

“Enjoy the journey as much as the destination.” – Marshall Sylver 

This quote from Marshall Sylver, and many others like it, emphasizes the importance of enjoying the journey as much as reaching the destination. This perfectly reflects our process here at Paintru. While the desired end state is a striking masterpiece hanging on your wall, we love the journey it takes to get there. And we hope you do, too!

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Your Home, Your Heart

"Home is where the heart is.” 

The most important word in this common expression is “Home.” The saying is not, “House is where the heart is.” Well, why not? The word “home” encapsulates the full spectrum of human emotion and the idea of being a part of a family or group, while “house” typically references only the physical materials needed for construction.

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